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Creative talent with disabilities is easily found in every creative discipline that advertising agencies rely upon to be successful: photography, videography, graphic design, copywriting, animation, technology development and the list goes on and on...

But, without taking the steps to create a welcoming, nurturing and disability appropriate environment, the advertising agency business is not a place where talented members of the disabled community have ever been able to share their gifts with the world.

Add to this the huge number of disabled adults with excellent qualifications and relevant business skills in areas such as; client services, new business, strategy development, accountancy and law, you can't help but think that this huge, famous industry is missing out.

As a direct result of this under-representation of disabled talent in advertising industry headcount, life with a disability is equally and routinely mis-represented in the work the advertising industry produces.

Doable, the sister company of CoDi, exists to change all of this.

Click the logo below to find out how Doable's work in partnership with CoDi research is set to transform the advertising industry, for both disabled talent and disabled consumers alike:

© 2023 Consumers with Disabilities Research Foundation

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